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Get your life back

To live to your true self - That makes sense to you. 

There is no quick fix, any short-cuts, or change your life in 15 days. 

Life is a journey of self-discovery. 

To learn from our past actions, our experiences both good and bad, so we can continue to grow - To help us heal and resolve past trauma, to welcome joy, peace, love and let happiness into our life. The ultimate goal; Unconditional love. 

The objective is to do our best, with what we have and where we are - To put your soul in the right place.

Life is a journey we are all on.

I'm a very philanthropic chap.. Who tries to help people realise their dreams and believes the future is entrepreneurs.

Very briefly. I consider I had a good upbringing.  I Grew up in the 80's, spending most of my time outdoors. I left school at 14, already having 2 part-time job's. 

I had some learing difficulties with some subjects at school, and got behind. I learnt to adapt, using curiosity and creating skills by being creative.

These are things I found out later in my life. When I wanted to better myself and change for the better. It was after years of heavy drinking - The British culture I grew up in. Drinking gave me confidence, and was part of the work hard and drink hard lifestyle.

After many years passed, I had a good deep think where my life was going.' A deeper purpose' I felt there was more to life. Plus, I was thinking in the long-term of what my health would be like if I continue down the same path. I wanted to be able to support my self, for as long as I can, and enjoy life.

I felt the time to move on, and not being stuck, or even trapped in a poor lifestyle that is giving me a quick fix, with no care for tomorrow - The self destruction of being addicted, to try and feel the void to happiness.

Seeing the same faces standing outside the pub, was a sign for me that it's time to move on.

To make a change for the good
I felt the need to travel the world, to experience what the world had to offer.
The downside, the price of beer and spirits was super cheap, from a strong pound at the time, and was a way to meet other travellers, who were also drinking their life away. 
We can view this as having an experience we learn from and not to get stuck in. Know when to move on, and the courage to do so. 
When you close a door to the past, a bigger one opens. If you let go of being attached to someone, place or thing, then you are open to meeting new people and finding new places to explore.

I had planted the seed to make a change and to face my issues head on, that was stopping me from growing. 

On returning to England and returning to my job, it was difficult to work for someone else. 
So I started my own business, this put me in the deep end, and my confidence stated to grow. 

Once you plant the seed, and take that first step, you are on the lookout for the alternative lifestyle, that alines with you. We can learn to use the past bad experiences, how not to live, so we can let go and move on.

Plus, wanting to change, I was ready to know myself. Which is a challenge... You need to be prepared for some home truths. But not all is lost, there are also good things we learn about ourselves. So, don't be hard on yourself. 

Starting to know yourself, is when you can use this to your advantage, in making the small changes each day.

Running a business and wanting to improve my health, meant staying away from the pub life and giving up drinking. 
This took sometime, but I was determined to see the outcome. Plus the money I saved, and I was feeling better - Having a clear head.
I started drinking coffee, and socialised during my working day between job's. And I felt the need to go to bed early, that improved my working day. 

Learn to be loved 
Travelling the world, taught me you don't need much to appreciate life.
I volunteered my skills in return for meals and a roof over my head.
I wanted to experience more of the local culture, and stayed with families, to get a real feel of the local life. 
The local people I met, some of them we would consider poor, were rich in life, and did not want to take from you. They wanted you to grow, and I become to enjoy the simple life.... The people are full of love, and that is what's missing in the Weastern World. We are chasing a so called rich life, with no care for our fellow humans. We aprantly have no time, to take care of ourselves as we need to meet the demands of what society has put on us, and we call that civilised. 

I am still on my journey to learn to do my best. It's one step at a time, and knowing I can trip over. Is to reflect each day and get back up and continue on my journey, that makes a big difference. 

Take the first step to get your life back and continue on your journey of life.

Make time to get in the great outdoors, you don't need to go far. A place with a nice view, to reflect on your day/life. It will give you a different perspective, and to reconnect to ourselves. 

Reflect on the following: 

What truly matters to you?

What are your needs?

What are your principles?

Also Consider:

Fear is what's stopping you being creative...

Working with your hands - Being creative. 

Looking at alternative options over an easy fix - No short-cuts to life, without consequences. 

Buy good quality over cheap, to use in connection to your trade or hobby - See the value in something and not the price.

And you will look after your kit, and spend your money meaningfully, as you appreciate all the effort going into your work. 

The ongoing steps: 

What you are going through, is preparing you for something much bigger... 

Let go of what's holding you back. 

And work on what serves you well. 

Build a life of purpose and fulfilling.

Think love, peace, appreciate what you have and be grateful for everything...

Practice to live better with yourself and reflect it on others. To accept your past with who you are and what you have to fully enjoy life as it is.

Develop from within. 
