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Build Back Different

In the same way, when nature get's destroyed it's our time to build back a new life.

Long held principles 
We hold the keys to our own freedom and endless possibilities. We just need the right environment to grow - Built on trust, honesty and working together. 

The future is to help people realise their dreams. 
And I believe the future is entrepreneurs, localisation and working with your hands to support the community and not get rich at the cost to others - A long-term view. 
An investment for the future, and not a pile of debt, with no regard for the future... To reap what we sow.

The old ways are the new ways. We need to take two steps back - The key to living is working with your hands.

We are all alike. When we are faced with life threatening situations, it shows us what's really important in life.

A false economy has shown us; The old ways are the new ways. We need to take two steps back to build an alternative life working in harmony. Debt, and chasing outside pleasures to try be happy has created greed that has divided, and stopped people supporting each other.

I see community's as Nabourhood Welcome, and not Nabourhood Watch. We can put the trust back, once we learn to connect back to ourselves. By living to our own freewill - The true happiness, is being creative.

It's now our chance to learn from a economy built on debt. In the end, it benefits no one, as we all suffer the same - We learn that we need each other... Supporting local, we are nit dependent on global culture. 

To take two steps back from the greed and selfishness, to a make do and mend attitude, as hard times create strong people. The best times are one's were we are responsible and work on something with meaning to make a difference to the world - Buying plastic products from China that don't last, and can't be recycled is killing real businesses and the planet.

The real economy is your home in order, for you to get your life back - Time slows down, and life us nit a race.

It's your time to let go,  to gain so much more.... Build, back different - To your principles, that supports your community.
