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Two sides to the same coin

How do you value your Time?

We can value time more than material things. 

"The price of anything is the amount of life you exchange for it". ― Henry David Thoreau

Aprantly there is a lack of time to live to your true self...

"I don't have time" - Time our greatest asset.

What's truly important to us can be difficult to achieve in a busy life without making time to reflect. Without time to reflect, we are constantly consuming, trying to buy happiness. 

We have given value to convince - We don't value our time to truly live.

Enjoy the fruits of your labour. Learn that the real economy is getting your life back on track. You will be free to live when you spend Less than you earn, give more than you take and to serve others. 

Pure Life. One step at a time - Make it Perpetual

"Quick fixes is causing many more people to keep making the same mistakes." - We are becoming aware of what enslaves us and what we can do to get away from it. - Must be good.

Money: Some people love it, some hate it, some chase it, some hold it, some have a fear of not having enough, and many don't understand it. Meaning you work hard and pay your taxes, but need to borrow to get ahead. Is living in the rat race. We tend to be in fear of never able to retire, and don't face the problem head on - It takes time and energy to make the change towards taking Mini-Retirements, that don't have to cost the earth. Take ownership of your situation, its going to be your responsibility of changing your lifestyle. Take small steps and make it ongoing. Doing the minimum and continue consuming will keep you in fear. We need to experience different things to learn, but not to get stuck. There are no short-cuts in life. 

What money can do is show deeply into our hearts and the hearts of others! Especially at a time of the desperate need of money. We can learn a lot about ourselves. 

"I want just enough to be comfortable" To be safe and secure! Means we don't risk anything or expireance what life can offer, as we need to keep putting money in the bank or borrowing to give us the feeling of being secure, both ways are keeping us trapped from living - Become the slave to money or flip it around, and money is the slave to you. We can learn that having more time than money is a beautiful thing. The more money we have, is a bigger stress than not having enough, as we worry about loosing it. 

Being rich can mean being free to live to your own freewill, doing a job you enjoy; being creative, you're are happy to serve others, and share your time.

Borrowing with no care of the future, is what makes money cheap. Every time money is borrowed, Currancy is created into the system = Inflation. Less buying power. 

The cycle of Money Currancy: A tool that starts off with good intentions, that gets manipulated over time, debt is used to keep it going, those who borrow early have the most leverage, and more debt is needed to get the same effect. You then see the prices of goods keeps going up (The money is loosing its purchasing power) you need two job's just to survive, then there is a reset, and the cycle repeats. 

In short; As we know it, money does not exist. Its a belief system that is taking over your life more than you think.

Investing: Putting money away regularly or a lump sum, in the hope it will be worth more sometime in the future. To have the time to live and not rely on an income from working... It will depend on where the cycle of the currency we are in, for how well it will pay out. Investments can go up and down, there are fee's to pay, will need to factor in inflation, and liable for tax on payout.

Have rainy day money, so not to depend on someone or have to borrow when there is an emergency.

"Everything you buy is either an asset or a liability" - Choose wisely 

The best investment is in your health, and on things of good quality, that are handmade, and that work with your skills - Working with our hands... that's the key to living. Buying a new car... Is missing the point. 

Two sides to the same coin...

  1. One side to Money is it's a tool to exchange your time to buy goods and services. Or as a store of value, to use at a later date. Backed my something tangible, and the free-market decides on the price of goods and services - Built on trust and honesty. 
  2. The other side to Money is a debt based instrument. Newly created every-time money is borrowed.  Erodes over time 'Currency' can be used to encourage* you where you spend your money, keep you in debt handcuffs, and to steal your wealth. Central banks control the price of the currency used to buy goods and services - Built with different rules, and built on getting rich at the the cost to others.  
Money A double edge sword. Inflation is eating into your wealth - Loss of value, less buying power, and reduces the value of your time - Shortsighted. The other side is real value, that comes from producing or creating something that benefits everyone, especially local family run businesses, who help support the local community - Long-term.

The value of currency erodes slowly at first, as the amount of debt needs to keep increasing to maintain the same purchasing power over time. 
The inflation is hidden from years of buying cheap imported goods, and easy money made available, that gives you a feeling of being rich, for little effort. 
While good quality products become expensive, as the raw materials cost more than the competitors finished product, and to maintain the value of someone's time to produce needs to be increased.... long held principles get lost and there is no investment for the future available. 

People don't value someone's time and expertise in a situation where its cheaper to replace the product than to maintain it. Until there is a big divide between the rich and the poor, then we all suffer until we understand we need each other - To unite. 

Only a few businesses see the red flags, while others try to hold on, to what becomes a crisis.
Finally your wealth is wiped out; stock markets, banks, housing, currencies need to adjust to the true value. No amount of currency will save you, as it becomes worthless and the central banks manage the crisis, while trying to keep peoples confidence in the markets.  

The flipside;  A crises is a time to reflect on what has real value, and a time to focus on what is important to you. Health, friends, family and living honestly. 

To understand there are no short-cuts to life, to give more than we take. Learn to tread lightly; Plant more trees than we cut-down, stop using plastic bags and bottles, make do and mend and grow your own, or buy local and cook your own meals and share meal times - Value your time, and leave the place better than we found it.

How to travel the world on a shoestring

  1. Spend less and save more
  2. Pay of loans and debts
  3. Adapt to a slower and less busy lifestyle 
  4. Sell what you can
  5. Buy your ticket
Travel lightly
Alternative travel to cover costs and have a experience of living a bit like a local. View: Community Travel 

To focus on travel is the same principle for an alternative life, living out of a debt based system. That makes you fill rich, but you are the opposite 'trapped' 

From Lost Traditions:

To appreciate the value of money
The speed you make the money is the value you put on it. Knowing what to do with it, is from years of hard work that gives it value to do great things.

Success is waking up in the morning, going to bed at night and doing what you want in between. The ability to choose. Tomorrow I am going to Wales, but the day after I have no money now, is not a success. It's not that simple, you have to be perpetual and have the responsibility for the outcome.

Perpetual means one step at a time, that goes on forever. Set yourself up to have stability in your life to evolve and have the opportunity.

You may like to read more? Is debt and chasing money stopping you from living and enjoying life. Visit Lost Traditions. Keep it simple 

*Encouraged where to spend your currency, by offering discounts at the cost to the producer, the buy now pay later, subsidies big industry, use tax incentives, marketing and the use misleading labels. 
