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Advice to the young

You can achieve anything, once you belive in yourself. 

What does success mean to you?

Success is what fills your heart with joy, 'to have the ambition' and not trying to prove anything to anyone. You can wake up each morning and tell the truth - To live to your own freewill, that makes sense to you. You have to do it, to realise it works. And finding there are people who love you for it.

Success is not the need to chase success, money or outside pleasures - A lack of experience and wisdom, and valuing the price of something over the value of something. 

It's something that takes time to get to; though life experiences, build self-esteem that needs to be maintained, and sticking to your principles - Keep it simple...

Live a life you will be proud of
A satisfied life is better than a successful life. Because our success is measured by others. But our satisfaction is measured by our own mind, soul and heart. 

Post: From my life experience; leaving school at 14, already having 2 part-time jobs. Moving on to an apprenticeship, starting my own business,  travelling the world, and relationships gave me a different perspective on life and knowing there is more to learn and more than one way of doing things. 

Get out of your comfort zone and feel your soul with joy
One person's perception of success is going to be difficult to another's. 
By ditching the TV, and social media and going in the great outdoors will give you a much wider perspective on what life is truly all about. And in turn give you a better understanding of what success means to you - More choices. Buying a new car is missing the point, and standing in the way from you being successful. 

For example; Two friends in a bar. Bill and Jason. Bill has a van converted to a camper, that he also uses for work. 
Jason asks Bill; Have you paid for your house?
Bill says; Yes.
Jason says; Why don't you buy a motor home. Its bigger and more comfortable. Plus, you only have one life.
Bill says; I am happy with what I have, it has multi uses; I can use for work, carry my bikes to the bike park and go off on Mini-Adventures, just the same as in the motor home. Plus, the bed is comfortable, unlike the expensive motor home that sits on the drive when not being used, or when working your backside off to pay for it... Its a big liability, the Campervan will go where the motor home wont fit, and it's keeping you trapped from bigger things. Now then Jason, if I rent the house out and live full-time in the motor home, and can do some work from it. This could be a alternative way, and can be done with what I have. Plus, if I tavel to a place where I get more purchasing power. Like Spain, it gives more freedom. You may like to Read: More time than money 

The story tells us, success is working less hours, and living like you are rich without the expensive plusures, so you have the time to escape to do more of what you enjoy, without the worry of getting back to pay for it. So, you can live free. 

...It's thinking differently, by using your own mind. So, you are able to trust in your own heart with what's right, and not looking for a quick fix that keeps you stuck in the rat race.

It's about building a strong foundation for the longterm. To depend on yourself, support the local community who you can rely on and continue on your journey of living. Is what makes us stronger, borrowing money for a quick fix is a feeling of being rich, with no respect for tomorrow is what's making us weak. 

When you work hard, you forget what matters
If you work hard for your money and want to experience life, you will spend your money in a meaningfully way - You can see the value in what you have achieved. Don't loose sight of what truly matters. 

To add to the above, the type of vehicle you have to go camping, is the type of people you will meet - Choose wisely.

We don't need everyone learning the samething, and everyone with degrees... That no one has time to learn to work with their hands. - At the age of 13 years, we are already learning what we can do with our hands; learning skills and acquiring useful knowledge. To realise your dreams and believe the future is for entrepreneurs.

Degrees aren't real knowledge.
Knowledge takes time to achieve, and is perpetual. 

Advice to the young 
Get out of school, and get a job as soon as you can. You will develop your mind, learn more and get paid at the same time.

Learn how to work with your hands, by putting passion in to it, you will enjoy seeing the finished product, and appreciate all the effort that goes into it, and know someone will enjoy using it for years to come.

The important thing is to see others enjoying life and by giving more than we take as a pleasure that makes us feel good, knowing people are truly living. By serving others, is why we are here.

"Getting out of school early, you will learn to think for yourself and trust in your decision making." - Taking risks with believing in yourself, and embracing fear.

While working you can also learn how the business works day to day, ask questions about the company, find out how the account's are performed, and how they treat their workers. What would you do differently?

It will give you a better idea what to do with your life, or at least get on the right path.

The world is changing all the time. Note; there is nothing new. Just done in a different way. 
Many jobs are working from home using a computer. Is that how you see yourself in the long-term? Or is it away to move on? A stepping stone to a better place.

More people are pursuing a professional career, and it takes 2 professionals to be able to get a mortgage to buy a house. They are not having a family, so they can follow what everyone else us trying to achieve. 

What's more important to you? To have a home and a family without the stress of only one option in life - You decide, if we have come to the planet, just to pay to live here? - there is alternative living, once you think for yourself,  and look at the bigger picture. 

Where are you focusing? On earning the money or making a small difference in the world? How you focus is where you are heading. 

Life experiences 
Getting out of school early, you are building experience and knowledge. Why not take a gap year? And work your way around the world. Volunteering, via trusted house sitting or WWOOF in exchange for meals and a roof. Built on trust and honesty, that you can use as a reference in the future. Travel teaches you, you don't need much to appreciate life. 

And if you need to go to collage or University, for a high pressure career that needs degree's that is meant to prove you are a quick learner, do as you are told, and don't question anything. Over someone who learns through experience, and has commonsense, your are more likely to stick it out and not get into debt... You will be thinking differently than those who are being told what to do, and will get ahead in life and be happy - Time is your greatest asset.

Work 3 years at building your own business, or the next 40 years working 40 hours a week for someone else.

Don't get sucked in
Working in a job you don't like, you will soon realise, that working for someone who pays enough to stop you leaving but never enough to get ahead, or have the time to do what you enjoy...

Find your freedom.
You will be looking for ways to start your own business, via a gap or weakness in the market, or something that only you can see, and believe in. You also won't look at the money side of things, you will trust in your heart that your business is to serve others and the money will take care of its self, from doing the right thing... Built on honesty and a win-win for everyone.

There are no short-cuts to life without costly consequences. 

If you are letting someone else decide your life all the time, you will have the feeling of being bored and looking to feel the void to happiness, by constantly consuming to get the feel good factor that soon passes. 

Experience life, but don't get stuck. Build confidence, and a better life/world:

  • Learn to dance, and not drinking alcohol.
  • Learn to cook with love, and not to eat fast-food, to invite friends and family to enjoy - Make meal times the most important time of the day.
  • Learn to tread lightly, give more than you take and be grateful how far you have come.
  • Bones tip. If you are going to drink coffee, then only drink the best. Learn where it comes from, and knowing you are supporting a local farmer. 

3 Things I learnt later in life:

  1. Unconditional love. Once you have your head around this, everything changes for the better. 
  2. Life is not a race. Once you stop racing, you win - Bob Marly
  3. Judging. Is a mirror of ourselves. If you want to grow, face your self head on, and accept that you are going to see a side of yourself you won't like. But, knowing it's the way to better yourself in the long-term, and we are here to learn from our mistakes.
  4. Bonus tip: Invite Colombians in to your life. They are full of love, want to see you grow, and they hug you and each other with genuine affection - Genuine people, they don't want to take from you. 
Do your best, at your own speed and learn what our true role is on earth.
Take a step back and take the time to reflect on your life. What is important to you and what do you truly value? 

Life is short and precious to wast time on things that don't serve us.

Take one small step at a time and make it ongoing... 
