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Villa Restrepo - Ibague

Villa Restrepo makes a nice day visit from Ibague going by bus is less than an hour and only $2,000 cop. The village of Villa Restrepo 12 km from Ibague, where you can find hotels, restaurants, horse riding, walking, bird watching and rock climbing. This area is also very popular with cyclists at weekends. A little further on the village of Juntas 17 km, where just a short walk, there is a lookout "el mirador de los Sauses" and on a clear day you can view the volcano of Nevado de Tolima. Much further north thermal waters for relaxing at El Rancho. The river Combeima flows from the Park to IbaguĂ© through Combeima Canyon.

  1. Los Pinos 317 7415778
  2. La Villa de Barba Blanca Casa # 4 Eentrada Villa Restrepo Ana Cel: 311 487 4489. Jhon Cel: 310 884 2711.
Iglesia Villa Restrepo - Ibague

Iglesia with view of Nevado de Tolima.
Iglesia with view of Nevado de Tolima. 
1 of 8 volcanoes in Los Nevados National Natural Park 

 chorizo  villa restrepo
Lots of chorizo and fried pork

horseback rides villa restrepo
Local man on horseback.
He can take you for short horseback rides. 


Habitacion, naturaleza
Habitacion, naturaleza, y nevado

Hotel La Villa de Barba Blanca
Hotel La Villa de Barba Blanca

Photos from Juntas on a bit of a rainy cloudy day. Only 15 minutes north 

Combeima canyon

Combeima canyon

 Food to try along the road to Villa Restrepo:

 Longaniza: A sausage similar to a chorizo

Arepas De Choclo
Arepas De Choclo: Sweet Arepas made with Cheese from the country (Queso Campanero)

Dried fruits, cheese and milk puddings

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