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Buena Vista - Rovira

This is how I imagine the real Colombia; mountains, coffee, off roading and of course arroz con leche.
I spent a few days in the outback on a finca in this Coffee area. Great views and experience especially staying with a Colombian family on a finca.

Buena Vista Altitude:  1200 m

There had been a lot of rain in the night

Tree being cut after falling in the night and blocking the road

Jeeps waiting for road to clear

Finca "Toilet" Fog

View of coffee plantation

Me working lol. Washing coffee beans

Grinding maiz for chicken feed

Cooking rice pudding

Rice pudding with cheese

Coffee beans drying

Coffee grown at 
1000m - is poor quality
1300 to 1700m - normal coffee
1800 to 2000m - high quality, more concentrated and organic as no herbicides are required - the coffee "bean" is also smaller and takes 3 months more to grow before it is ready to be picked. 

 Happy pig


View from the finca of Volcan del tolima. ElevaciĆ³n: 5.215 m
