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Machu Picchu

The amazing city of Machu Picchu (Old Peak) located in the Andes 2,430 meters above sea level. Often know as the Lost City.

The Incas who lived here, lived till they where 90 years old, they had a very healthy dirt, of maize and potatoes. And developed ways to store and preserve foods.

When I arrived at 6am Machu Picchu was mostly covered by cloud and it was raining, I paid for a 3 hour tour guide and by 10 am the clouds had started to clear, and was amazing just to sit and view. Actually I spent a long time just looking at the view and imagined the Incas living here!     

Machu Picchu high up in the mountains with is breath taking views of the valley below. 

Machu Picchu. Photo taken with a fisheye lens.

Machu Picchu classic photo.

Entrance to Machu Picchu

Train at Agua Calientes
I traveled on the Inca Rail from Ollantaytambo to Agua Calientes about 1, 1/2 hours. (Ollantaytambo is a hour & a half from Cusco by bus.) You can stay at Ollantaytambo and be dropped off there when you take the Scared Valley tour from Cusco. 

Stairs carved from one stone 

Machu Picchu with the cloud starting to lift for one of the best views in the world 

View of the river and valley through the clouds 


  1. Machu Picchu was built in the classical Inca style, with polished dry-stone walls. I really like this, Thanks for sharing this wonderful blog.


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