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Risking It All To See The World

I always have the idea of travelling to some far tropical place in Latin America in the back of my mind. So no excuses when my daughter Jodie told me she could take time off work, so I booked our flights.

But I have left it to the last minute to organise my big adventure, which is very unusual for me. I normally have it all sorted, by just concentrating on putting money away and only leaving buying the fights within a month of setting off!   
Well I booked our flights well over 9 months ago for me & Jodie. As I had the money at the time to do so and hopefully to buy the tickets at the best price. 

Now with exactly a month to go I am was still finishing off my house after a water leak that did a lot of damage and my tenant was moving in on this day.

Say you will meet up but it never happens

In one way moving out from my home has given me the chance to get all those jobs done, throw out, sell or give away all the unwanted things I have been collecting. Also it a good time to see friends and family I have kept meaning to visit.
Everyone I have seen has wished me good luck and said it is a great opportunity to do so. 
I have one good friend question me "Andy" and he had noticed I was not organised with my travel adventure. He said that my plan had kept changing with what I was going to do after my daughter flies back after 10 weeks travelling together. It got me thinking that am I doing the right thing? “Second thoughts” Of giving up the comfort of my own home and a good business I have created. 
The very next day when I woke-up and thought of the reasons I am going travelling to Latin America, that is hard to explain to someone who has never travelled or has a sense of adventure, I was thinking positively again about the wonderful things that are there to experience if you are willing to take a risk.  

I am in a position where I can travel for a long period, as I don’t have a partner and my daughter who is 18 is travelling with me for the first 10 weeks. So I might be giving up a lot and risking it all, but nothing ventured nothing gained! 
Andy was asking me how I am going to fund my travels and what about my future when I retire. I said I have not saved enough for my travels, like I mentioned above I have not put all my effort in to saving. I have been spending more in coffee shops instead of putting money in my bank account and I have also been to Spain 3 times in the last 9 months! Of course I will have an income from renting my house and from small fee’s from my business. But I still need to pay the mortgage and tax bills. My plan that keeps changing when I finally arrive in Colombia is uncertain as I don’t know the situation until I arrive. Also 2 months travelling with Jodie across Mexico will give me the time to relax away from work and I will finger it out! Once I have an idea of work/business I can apply all my effort. Also gives me the chance to spend time with Jodie as we cook and eat our way across Mexico.

Set in my ways

The reason I fill it’s time to give up my life in England, is that I am getting set in my ways and the world has a lot to offer. My friend Andy asks am I running away. Maybe he is right! I could find a girlfriend in the UK and even take time out and travelling together, from long weekends away camping to 1 month trips to faraway places. And even build my business and have a very comfortable Life. “Sounds good” but it has not happened so far!
That to me also makes me fill like my life is mapped out, by that I mean I like to live each day and by having a plan you are tied to it, where’s I can change if things don’t work out or other options come available.  I am quite aware you need to work at things or any relationship, I built my business up from scratch and has grown in to a large network. It has also been great to help others start their own business in the process and it feels good to leave the business name still working. 
My business has been setup in mind that if I want to take time out, it won’t cost the earth to start again. I do like challenges and by being put in the deep-end you have to get on with it and make it work, where’s being comfortable you become set in your ways and lazy!

(Note: Andy is a great businessman and knows by not having a goal or plan then its failed before it's started. Where I am inspired, have passion and a wide vision to travel and all the things accosted with it. But to do so, I have to give somethings up.) 

More time than money

I will have the opportunity to visit out of the way places, by staying with the locals and the time to enjoy the experience that cannot be explained, unless you have been there. 
Time is of the essence, as I can travel and stop as long as I wish in places that have the feel good factor. It’s an adventure, challenge and a great experience as I enjoy to travel Latin America for its history, culture, traditions, music, food and most of all its people. 

Travel opens your mind

I like to live life to the fullest, I also like to share my experiences and knowledge with others. I have found that I have encouraged others to start their own business to try travelling or even camper-vanning. I also hope that people like that I eat a diet of real food and give it a go. I don’t want to change the world, but travelling opens your mind as you see people very poor and very rich but more poor. The only way we can have an input to peoples life’s is education and holding on to our roots, traditions and passing them on to our children. We can choose where we spend our hard earned cash and don’t give it to large greedy companies that control many lives around the world, but spend at small local businesses that don’t damage the environment in the process.

Convenient and fast = quick profit for the few and long term misery for many.    

I am grateful of life and what it has to offer.

Children always smiling. Valle de San Juan Colombia

Travel quotes:

“A good traveler has no fixed plans and is not intent on arriving.” ― Lao Tzu

“To travel is worth any cost or sacrifice.” ― Elizabeth Gilbert

Happy Travels in 2015 
