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More Time Than Money

I have put my business on hold while I take time out to travel.
An adventure I have been dreaming about for a long time, but always been too busy with my work to take.
I don't have any excuses as I am the boss, so I have now taken the bull by the horns and it's Spain or bust, a road trip across Europe in a converted campervan.

I have not given myself a time limit, other than fair weather and running out of money, but will worry about that when it happens.
I had to make a lot of sacrifices to plan and arrange this big adventure also had limited best use of my time beforehand converting the campervan with various cucamstansies, but it has all come together and I set off today. I first head to Dover to take the channel ferry across to Calais France before driving across France to visit my cousin Serge who lives in the region of Cognac. I will spend the first night about half way to Cognac between Tours and Le Mans.
