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New Zealand Homestay WWOOF

My first time WWOOF'ing!(Willing Workers on Organic Farms.) at Waipare Homestead. Anaura Bay, Gisborne. New Zealand. East coast North Island. The hosts Louia and Scrubbs were fantastic. Scrubbs is in to surfing and was well relaxed cool guy. Louia is a Mari and run's the homestead, both were great to talk to. There was no tv or newspapers and was about 1/2 drive from the nearest shop. I would do about 3 hours work a day in the large gardens and then the rest of the day to do whatever I wanted. Scrubbs would be surfing if the conditions were good, if not he would take me to see his cool friends, to a bar in Gibson or to the cinema. We even drove to a nearby beach and smoked marijuana.

Homestead built in the 1880's

A great old house in a fantastic location. 

Honey lee and Juliet

View of the bay.
