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Taganga Santa Marta Colombia

Taganga is on the Caribbean coast only 10 minutes or 3 kilometres north of Santa Marta. A great place to base yourself for tours to Cabo de San Juan Tayrona National Park, the Sierra Nevada, Santa Marta and for the Lost City trek. Taganga was once a fishing village, now there are many hotels and restaurants. The beach is very dirty, but it has a coast line that you can walk around and find beautiful spots.

Tayrona National Park: From Tayrona to Cabo de San Juan. The quickest way is taking the small boat from the beach, usually 1-hr. Another fun way is getting the bus to the main highway and then a 1/2 moto ride, then a 2-hour walk or horseback ride to Cabo de San Juan. We did the boat ride and returned by horse/walk, moto, bus, and Taxi all in one day!

Lost city four-day trek "Ciudad Perdida" is a highly recommended experience. Do go prepared and in excellent physical condition. Ciudad Perdida was, only discovered in the 1970s
Here are some essentials to keep in mind:
  • Bring lots of insect repellent
  • Comfortable walking shoes
  • Flip flops for camp and to let your feet dry at night
  • Comfortable clothes to walk and that you can sweat in. 
  • Pack light, but make sure you have enough clothes since it's almost impossible to dry out clothes. 
  • Sanitary wipes, some toilet paper and bags to separate wet clothes from dry.
An ancient lost city hidden high within the Sierra Nevada mountains of Northern Colombia
The path is adventurous in parts and it is incredible and the Lost City is absolutely worth visiting. The location is so remote, that you are only there with a bunch of tourists which is great compared to Machu Pichu.

We come by bus from Cartagena to Santa Marta then took a cheap taxi to Taganga and stayed at Hostal Pelikan 100 mill/night for 4 people. When you arrive make out you know where you are heading or you make a friend and they will expect payment for taking you to a hotel.

Taganga beach
Walking to the next bay

View of the bay
View of bay

Fruit juice


Camarones and rice


Dirty beach that stinks of piss
