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Soroa & Las Terrazas Cuba

Soroa Rainbow of Cuba
Soroa Natural Reserve Park Is located 76 Km west of Havana. Western region of the Sierra del Rosario. Diverse flora and wildlife.
Can recommend Casa  Los Sauces, Candelaria. Pinar del Río. Phone 52289372
1 Km from the Autopista. Sra. Ana Lidia Rodriguez Works at the Orchid Gardens. And her garden is beautiful. Also there is a driver with a Jeep.  That will drop and pick you up from The Botanical Gardens, Which is opposite the entrance to the waterfall. Where you can buy a drink. There is also Soroa Hotel & Villas. That have a out side bar and pool!
The driver can also do a day tour to Las Terrazas, Botanical gardens and the ruins of French coffee plantations.


National bird Cuba bird The Tocororo or Cuban trogon (Priotelus temnurus). Autochthonous bird related to the quetzal. The Tocororo's feathers exhibit the colours of the Cuban flag: red, blue and white

Las Terrazas

This ecotourism centre of Las Terrazas is situated in an area of around 5,000 hectares, in which a project of sustainable rural economy is being developed, based on the rational use of its natural resources for tourism.

Las Terrazas

Soroa Between Havana & Vinales


  1. Love all these pictures. I've been to the mountains where the tocororo lives at and never saw one and I was looking for them, a friend said they saw one but I don't know if it was or not... Lovely pictures, new follower! Will you follow my fashion design blog???


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