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Viñales Cuba

Just booked 2 weeks in Cuba with my brother John. We have only booked flights and looking to stay with a family.
After landing in Havana, showed our travel card to passport control "with hotel plaza named on travel card as our place to stay" and went straight though to exit.
A lady hanging outside the airport gave us a card to a Casa Paticula in Havana. We showed the card to a taxi driver as a place we wanted to go and sheared the taxi with 2 Italians who had also just landed. After dropping the Italians off at their hotel , we stopped somewhere in Havana and the driver shouted out the window of the taxi and from apartment above, a man shouted back "no room available here" and he run down the stairs and he jumped in the taxi and directed the driver though the streets. We was taken to a Casa Paticula in China Town.  Casa Alex, was a very nice place and was welcomed by Alex and his family. We unpacked took a shower and went out for a beer in China Town. There was many small bars/restaurants. We sat down and had a Cuban beer "Cristal" after a few minutes some Cuban guys come over selling electronic equipment, which we send "no gracias" and we ended up chatting with these guys and my brother help fix a laptop one of the Cubans was selling. It was quite late so only had two beers and went back to the casa and went to sleep. Alex the casa owner recommended going to Viñales and a Casa Paticula to stay. Alex arranged a taxi in the morning to take us to the bus station.
The next morning we had breakfast and took the 2 hour bus to Viñales, on arriving a lady was waiting with our name on a large card. She walked us to her casa.

View from our Casa Paticula Viñales valley

Cena at the casa paticula

Plaza Viñales.

Chicas in the plaza

Patio Decimista "Bar" located in the main street of Viñales. Great at night with lots of Cuban life and bands.

Tobacco walk Viñales, is a great way to explore Vinales. The valley is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage site.

Tobacco Farmer 

Tobacco plantation. Vinales is renowned for the best quality of tobacco in the world

Tabasco leaves drying 

Typical transport 

Rolling a cigar 

Habano hand made cigar Viñales Cuba

Tour Cueva de santo Tomas

Me and my brother John ready for Cueva de santo Tomas with helmets and head-lamps

View from inside Cueva de santo tomas

Cueva de santo tomas Vinalas

Botanical Garden
You will find the botanical garden at the end of the main street, more or less opposite the petrol station. 

Our taxi drive's & me at Laz Terrazas Half way between Viñales & Havana.
