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Showing posts from August, 2024

Life is a game

And you are playing the lead role. You are given the clues. You can see the clues - You are in charge of your reality, and part of the game is you can change your reality. Adapt to the environment, keeping an eye on what's around you. Hiking just like cycling is a good way to detox, and time to reflect on what truly matters. The economy is part of the game... We obsess over what happens. We are blaming the world for our inner condition. When we move up the ladder, we realise that our inner life is entirely our own responsibility.  The real Economy  Means your own house in order. To get your own life back. Everything else is a distraction, to take you further from changing your reality, to one that alines with your inner self.  You win the game when you stop competing, and find your truth - love is the ultimate goal. The only reality is where you focus. And sosity is nudging you where to focus - Ditch the sofa,  and get in the great outdoors... To take the first step to change your

Advice to the young

You can achieve anything, once you belive in yourself.  What does success mean to you? Success is what f ills your heart with joy, 'to have the ambition' and not trying to prove anything to anyone. You can wake up each morning and tell the truth - To live to your own freewill, that makes sense to you. You have to do it, to realise it works. And finding there are people who love you for it. Success is not the need to chase success, money or outside pleasures - A lack of experience and wisdom, and valuing the price of something over the value of something.  It's something that takes time to get to; though life experiences, build self-esteem that needs to be maintained, and sticking to your principles - Keep it simple... Live a life you will be proud of A satisfied life is better than a successful life. Because our success is measured by others. But our satisfaction is measured by our own mind, soul and heart.  Post : From my life experience; leaving school at 14, already h

Live in curiosity

Money does not buy happines.   Do we need to be constantly searching for something new to buy? ... We tend to chase a life by consuming to fill the void to happiness. Instead of taking a step back to reflect on each day, and time to listen to what the heart truly wants. You have to experience boredom to understand what it is - Search your soul... Then be creative, so not to be bored. Instead of searching for outside pleasures to fill the void. Live in curiosity   Curious people are never bored, turning life into an endless exploration of joy.  "There is nothing like having the time, to do things well."  If one day you change your tune, go and see the world.  Mini-Retirements. Where we focus on travel. It is the same principle for an alternative life, living out of a debt based system. That makes you fill rich, but you are the opposite 'trapped'  You can live to your true self, you need to do it to know it works. - Trust in yourself, and not what society is trying to c

Two sides to the same coin

How do you value your Time? We can value time more than  material  things.  " The price of anything is the amount of life you exchange for it".  ― Henry David Thoreau Aprantly there is a lack of time to live to your true self... "I don't have time"  - Time our greatest asset. What's truly important to us can be difficult to achieve in a busy life without making time to reflect. Without time to reflect, we are constantly consuming, trying to buy happiness.  We have given value to convince - We don't value our time to truly live.